Don Dario of the Tarrazú region has won the 2019 Costa Rica Cup of Excellence (COE), with a score of 91.14 for its anaerobic processed Gesha. Tarrazú farms took out the top four spots in the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) competition, as well as seventh, ninth, and 10th.
Don Dario’s owner, Grupo Los Grandes de Copey, is a joint venture between producers Johel Monge Naranjo and Manuel Salas Araya, which also won the 2017 COE with its farm Don Antonio.
Last year’s winner, Luis Ricardo Calderon Madrigal of Don Cayito farm, placed second with an anaerobic processed Gesha that scored 91.02. Don Antonio placed third, with a score of 90.88 for its washed Gesha.
“As a group, this award confirms the importance of teamwork, and proper processing –looking over every detail from farm to cup. Ever since this project started, we knew COE was the best showcase for the world to discover Costa Rica’s coffee,” Don Dario Farm Production Manager Jorge Brenes says.
Read more:
• Costa Rican Gesha breaks COE record at US$300 per pound
• Finca Don Cayito wins Cup of Excellence Costa Rica
• Cup of Excellence Colombia reports record result
Ninety-five samples from five producing regions entered the 2019 Costa Rica COE, which national judges then cupped and selected the best 36 to advance to the international jury – a panel of 24 coffee professionals from around the world.
The United Kingdom’s John Thompson served as Head Jude of an jury comprisiming of members from Japan, Australia, South Korea, China, New Zealand, Russia, and the Netherlands.
“Costa Rica is a leader in the future of the coffee industry with a strong fundament seeking quality. Throughout the week, we cupped and saw the potential the country has to create distinct flavour profiles for markets around the world,” jury member Bram de Hog says.
After various cupping sessions in two rounds, 28 coffees will go through to the 2019 auction, which will occur on 18 July. Alongisde Tarrazú, the Central Valley, Brunca, and Western Valley regions of Costa Rica will be represented.
While Geshas took the top four spots, and anerobic processing represented the top two, the auction will feature an array of varietals, also including Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Kenia, San Roque, and Typica, as well as washed, natural, and honey processed coffees.
“The hard work and continuous innovation of the farmers of Costa Rica are clearly reflected in the fascinating quality coffees we have seen over the past week,” says Noelia Villalobos, Executive Director of the Asociación de Cafés Finos de Costa Rica and Vice-Chair of the ACE.
In 2018, Costa Rica broke all time COE records, with Gesha lots reaching a price of US$300.09.
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