By Aaron Dongsu Shin is the 2017 ASCA Australian Pura Latte Art Champion.
Welcome to my first column for BeanScene. I’m very excited to have this opportunity to share my love of latte art with you. I never imagined I’d be in this position three years ago. I was living in Korea and studying architecture at university while completing military service – but it wasn’t for me. I started reading different books and found one about baristas. I discovered what latte art was and thought it was really unique, so I gave it a go. I quickly learnt it wasn’t as easy as I thought.
After a failed plan to open my own café in Korea, I decided to travel around the world, with plans to spend one year each in Australia, Canada, and England. But my journey started and ended in Australia. I like Australia so much – its coffee culture, relaxed lifestyle, and friendly people – and I’ve been happily living here for the past three years.
I work at Short Black Café in Melbourne, and I’m passionate about making great coffee, not just latte art. Thankfully, through winning the ASCA Australian Pura Latte Art Championship, I now have the opportunity to share my coffee passion with the world.
I’m lucky 2016 ASCA Australian Pura Latte Art Champion Ben Morrow has taught you the basics of tulips, rosettas, and hearts in his BeanScene columns over the past year, because we’re going to put them all together in this pattern – my Rainbow Fish.