AgriFutures publishes manual for Australian coffee growers

Statutory corporation AgriFutures Australia has published The Australian Coffee Growers’ Manual to promote and develop emerging rural industries.

The Australian Coffee Growers’ Manual is a pivotal tool for expanding our high-quality coffee production. With the increasing domestic and international demand for unique Australian coffee, it provides the foundational knowledge needed to enhance our industry’s growth and sustainability,” says Senior Manager of Levied and Emerging Industries at AgriFutures Australia Ellen Buckle.

Co-authored by horticulture experts David Peasley and Jos Webber, the manual is designed to support both established and potential coffee growers in Australia. The aim of the publication is to enable regular research updates and detail aspects of coffee cultivation, from site selection and plantation establishment to pest management and harvesting techniques. It emphasises sustainable practices and biosecurity measures to help ensure Australian coffee remains free from pests and diseases.

In addition, key features of the manual include detailed sections on biosecurity, coffee tree physiology, site preparation, and plantation management as well as a sustainability focus, expert insights, and updates on new research and industry developments.

“Our goal is to equip Australian coffee growers with the expertise needed to produce exceptional coffee sustainably. By sharing our combined experiences and knowledge, we hope to foster a thriving coffee-growing community that meets the increasing demand for locally grown, high-quality coffee,” says Co-Author Jos Webber.

According to the corporation, the project builds on AgriFutures Australia’s previous publications  in the coffee industry including the Australian Coffee Strategic RD&E Plan, Defining terroir of Australian coffee to increase demand and investment, and Ten reasons for growing and drinking Australian Coffee.

For more information, click here.

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