Jack Simpson on his preparation for the WBC

Jack Simpson World Barista Championship

Jack Simpson of Axil Coffee will represent Australia at the World Barista Championship (WBC) in Busan, Korea, from 1 to 4 May.

“I’m feeling good. In the last few weeks I’ve ticked off all the things I was worrying about. Now that they’re done, I’m ready,” says Jack, Head of Quality Control at Axil Coffee in Melbourne.

Jack heads to Busan on Saturday 27 April, and says he’s been training every day in the lead up to the competition.

“Once I’m there I know it’ll be a lot of fun. I’m honestly so excited,” he says.

The reigning Barista Champion retained his title on 23 February at the Australian Specialty Coffee Association National Barista Championship.

“I’m stoked. I really wasn’t expecting to win as it was a tough competition this year with a lot of good competitors,” Jack told BeanScene post-win at The Wool Mill in Brunswick East, Melbourne.

Jack developed his nationals routine with roaster Matthew Crowley and the wider team at Axil Coffee.

“I’m so grateful for the Axil team’s support, notably Dave, Zoe, Anthony, Matt, Gaby and Jon,” says Jack.

His theme was ‘constant improvement’, which he said was inspired by “not wanting to be perfect but building on last year and focusing on what I could do 1 per cent better”.

Jack says his plan is to try and be as ready as he can the hour before he competes on the world stage once again.

“I’ve had so many people send me messages of support and offers of assistance from Australians going over to Busan and those already on the ground, which has been so lovely. I’m definitely feeling the love,” he says.

Jack will compete in round one in Busan on 2 May at 11:46AM, the equivalent of 2 May at 12:46PM AEST. To watch Jack compete, use the World Coffee Championship livestream.

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