Be part of BeanScene’s December issue on training and education

As we follow the roadmap back to normal, training of both new and pre-existing staff will be crucial to ensuring the same quality and service we were used to pre-COVID.

Training, education, and up-skilling will be some of the industry’s biggest focus points as we look towards 2022 and getting our businesses and staff back on track.

BeanScene’s December edition will look at the industry’s top players in training and education, and invites companies to share their focus on coffee making courses, Q grading opportunities or consumer engagement and business management.

COVID-19 has forced many businesses to adapt how they offer these services, but education is still as important as ever.

Don’t miss the opportunity to share with our readers how your business is still embracing training, education, and coffee knowledge within the industry.

We invite you to share what training and education mean to you.

The advertising offer includes:

  • 1 x Full-page advertisement for December edition – BeanScene Magazine (ad to be supplied)​​​​​​
  • 1 x Editorial piece – BeanScene Magazine​​
  • Editorial to be written for you by a BeanScene Magazine journalist
  • Editorial to appear on BeanScene website and be distributed through BeanScene’s weekly newsletter.

Expressions of interest will close on 27 October 2021. To secure your place, or for more information, please contact

Courtney Walker
Business Development Manager
+61 481 736 890

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