On 3 August, the coffee community will unite to support CaféSmart 2018 and help fight homelessness.
More than 600 cafes have registered to participate in CaféSmart 2018 next week, with $1 from every coffee sold at participating cafés directed to support grassroots homeless charities.
Last year CaféSmart raised $285,500, including matched funding from partner philanthropists, and supported 156 homelessness projects across Australia.
This year, CaféSmart is aiming to beat that total and raise $300,000 for critically underfunded services.
To help meet this target, Check out our google map for your local cafe, invite friends and colleagues, enjoy a coffee and chip in a donation or donate the value of a coffee (or a few) here.
Post your photos on the day with #cafesmart @streetsmartaust and go into the running for some great prices as part of Streetsmarts’ annual photo comp.
For more information, visit streetsmartaustralia.org/cafesmart/
Image credit: Alana Dimou and Single O