MICE embarks on a new era, promising a strong brand identity, more diverse audience, and educational value to build the event Australia deserves.Read More
Australia’s Richest Barista competition is returning for its second edition at MICE2024, as Head Judge Jeremy Regan details how each competitor can rise above the pack.Read More
The New Zealand Specialty Coffee Association’s Emma McDougall reveals why it’s reintroduced regional competitions ahead of its national championship.Read More
So often the awarding of event competitions is in the hands of industry experts. Established palates get to critique the talent for Australia’s Richest Barista competition, and advisors vote on the most beneficial new releases in the annual MICE Product Innovation Awards. But this year, a new competition winner will be in the hands of the people.
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As part of its commitment to championing sustainability, each year MICE partners with companies that are inspiring and implementing change. In 2024, MICE is working with Reground and Huskee to make the coffee industry greener, one cup at a time.Read More