Jack Hanna, The Grounds of Alexandria Co-Founder and Head of Coffee, along with Andrew Hunt, The Grounds’ Training and Account manager have developed coffee courses for coffee consumers.
The April courses will teach the art of making coffee at home, how to master latte art, cupping, and how to explore the differences in brewing methods.
The Grounds Roastery At-Home Barista Course
Be your own barista and learn about the origins of the coffee bean, how to get the perfect balance and taste to your coffee, and how to make coffee look presentable.
Participants will work on their own individual machine during this three-hour class, while The Grounds staff will take guests through a step-by-step demonstration of its most popular coffees to replicate at home.
The next available dates are 28 and 29 April from 9:30am to 12:30pm. The course runs monthly.
Tickets are $85 and includes light nibbles. Each guest will take home a 200-gram bag of The Grounds freshly roasted coffee. To book, click here.
The Grounds Roastery Latte Art Masterclass
The Grounds Co-Founder and former World Latte Art Champion, Jack Hanna, will lead a latte art masterclass on 29 to 29 April. During this hour and a half class, The Grounds coffee experts will take participants through the foundations of creating beautiful coffee and learn how to aerate, texture milk, and the skills of pouring designs such as hearts, rosettas and tulips.
The class will run from 1:30pm to 3:00pm. Tickets cost $75 and includes light nibbles. Each guest will take home a 200-gram bag of The Grounds freshly roasted coffee. To book, click here.
The Grounds Coffee Cupping Session
The Grounds cups coffee daily for green bean purchasing, quality control, education, and to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the coffees it serves. This session is Come and join us to learn about the origins of coffee, along with the cupping techniques coffee pros use industry wide for evaluation.
This free session runs monthly for 1.5-hours from 10am to 11:30am. To book, click here.
The Grounds of the City Coffee Tasting Masterclass:
Take a seat at The Barista’s Bar and explore the differences in brewing methods popularly used in modern cafes. The Grounds’ team will lead a small group through a variety of curated offerings, give insight into espresso and drip brewing, and the effects it has over coffee. This class is designed for anyone and everyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the coffee that they drink.
This is a one-hour event held fortnightly. Tickets are $20. For more information, click here.