Hundreds of cafés to unite for Rwandan farmers on Nyabibrew Day

Nyabibrew Day

On 25 November, hundreds of cafés around the world will join forces to help rebuild the famous coffee growing region of Nyabihu in Rwanda.

Earlier this year, as the world began to lock-down in response to COVID-19, massive floods hit Rwanda. Landslides destroyed the homes and crops of hundreds of families in the Nyabihu district. In Nyabihu, farming families rely on coffee for 65 per cent of their income, with average household incomes being less than US$700 per annum.

“These floods and mudslides were the worst catastrophic event in our lifetimes. 28 of our friends lost their lives. Almost everyone is affected,” says Evariste Hagumimana, Manager of Shyira coffee processing station in Nyabihu

An urgent appeal, organised with Raw Material, was answered by 850 people, raising enough money to deliver essential items to entire neighbourhoods that were suddenly without food, shelter, or income.

Raw Material says rebuilding homes, replanting trees, and investing in resilience against future climate events are the key next steps, and much of the global coffee community remains dedicated to the cause.

Nyabibrew day on 25 November will see participating cafés promoted through various media channels to encourage coffee lovers to buy a brew. Most cafés plan to donate 10 per cent of Nyabibrew Day’s turnover to the fund. However, considering the situation surrounding the global pandemic, each business and individual will only be able to respond in ways that are feasible for their personal situation.

As they sign up, each café or roaster’s logo is being painted into the huge world “map of our coffee family” that adorns the Shyira coffee processing centre wall in Nyabihu; a permanent, powerful symbol to celebrate what can be achieved when we care for and support each other.

“Thank you for showing us that we are not alone,” says Mbarushima Alphonse, Nyabihu community member.

Helpful links:; where people can learn more and register to take part on the 25th of November.
GoFundMe; donations to the cause can be made here.
Playlist of videos telling the story as it unfolds on Youtube.
Live google sheet showing the maths, the recovery plan details, and where the funds go with complete transparency as it happens.
Album of photos and videos you can download and use to create articles/blogs/publications.

For more information, contact

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