La Marzocco Home to air fifth episode of Coffee Encounters

Available on Youtube from 5pm AEST on 9 July, espresso machine manufacturer La Marzocco will air its fifth episode of Coffee Encounters, a show about coffee, food, and lifestyle, combined with La Marzocco’s history.

The series is released in collaboration with Accademia del caffè espresso, a platform which focuses on sharing knowledge on quality espresso coffee. Released on a monthly basis, each episode can be found on La Marzocco Home’s YouTube account.

This episode features the origin of the Gs3 espresso machine and what is inside it, with more on who really invented the flat white. Guest speakers such as Silvia Bartoloni, Community Coordinator at Accademia del caffè espresso and Andrea Simonelli, After Sales Manager at La Marzocco will be part of the episode.

Other topics such as pressure profiling on the Gs3 mp, alternative brewing methods, and handmade pasta from Tuscany as part of la Marzocco’s history will all be featured as well.

To watch the video, after 5pm AEST on 9 July, please visit

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