Registration opens for 2020 Australian Coffee Roasting Championship

2023 ASCA Coffee Roasting Championship

The Australian Specialty Coffee Association (ASCA) has opened entries to the 2020 AMC Australian Coffee Roasting Championship.

ASCA says the championship acknowledges the vital role that the coffee roaster has in the coffee community. It has a different feel to other competitions, is more interactive, and provides a valuable learning tool to all competitors.There are 30 places available in the preliminary feeder round of the 2020 AMC Australian Roasting Championship.

Competitors will be able to roast in the comfort of their own roastery and submit two coffees, one provided by Condesa Co-Lab, for a panel of industry judges to cup and analyse.

The preliminary feeder round is divided into three stages. Pre-Competition sees competitors provided with three kilograms of the compulsory green coffee. They may test this coffee however they feel appropriate in the lab and with the equipment of their choosing.

In Production Roasting: competitors will, using the equipment of their choosing, produce a roast of the compulsory coffee.

Competitors must submit:

  • Two lots of 250-gram roasted coffee
  • A roast plan, giving a brief description of what outcome they wish to achieve in the roast
  • A green grading scoresheet

Forms are available HERE.

In Production Roast Evaluation, all submitted coffees are cupped double-blind by judges. Coffees will be assessed in traditional cupping bowls.

Total scores are based on the Production Roast Evaluation results and roasting plan scores.

Adjudication of roasted samples will happen at Tasting Australia, in conjunction with the 2020 Condesa Co Lab Australian Coffee Championships in Adelaide, where 10 finalists will be determined.

These 10 finalists will go on to compete in the final round at Criteria Coffee in Melbourne in May, before the 2020 Melbourne International Coffee Expo.

Expressions of interest will close at 5pm on 24 January.

Click HERE to register.

For more information, contact

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