Southland Merchants to host cupping and industry talk on Brazil 2019/20 harvest

Green bean traders Southland Merchants will host an industry talk on 26 November about the results and challenges of Brazil’s 2019/20 harvest.

The event at Mano a Mano coffee roaster in Perth will discuss the potential impact on the Australian industry and how to contribute and support the supply chain.

Southland Merchants will also showcase the second place Brazil Cup of Excellence 2019 winner and its new arrivals, including Geisha and Arara varietals.

“Despite all the challenges and difficulties of this harvest, we would love to share the great results farmers obtained in the cup,” says Andre Selga of Southland Merchants. “Showing that close relationship and commitment with growers can make a huge difference in creating an economically sustainable and consistent supply chain.”

To learn more about Brazil, its coffees and further opportunities to support this region with Southland Merchants, sign up to the industry talk here.

RSVP is essential and places are limited.

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