Dr. Monika Fekete shares a home experiment to demonstrate how activated charcoal can remove the bitterness from coffee.
I’m taking these challenging times as an excuse to indulge in online shopping for locally crafted beans, and to play with home-based coffee experiments.
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How coffee changes our sense of taste
Sweet food is made sweeter when paired with coffee, according to research on how coffee changes our sense of taste from Aarhus University in Denmark.
Published in the scientific journal Foods, 156 test subjects had their sense of smell and taste tested before and after drinking coffee. The researchers found no changes in their sense of smell, but they found that the sense of taste was affected.
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Bitter sweet symphony: What causes bitterness in coffee and how to avoid it
Mocopan Coffee’s Babin Gurung on what causes bitterness in coffee and how to avoid it.
As a barista, one of the most common complaints you get from customers is that their coffee tastes bitter or burnt. As happy as you are to remake the coffee, you need to know what’s causing the problem, otherwise you’ll be serving the same bad-tasting coffee.
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Study finds people are born with taste for coffee
A Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) Berghofer study has found a person’s perception of bitterness, which is determined by their genes, could dictate if they prefer coffee or tea, and if they drink a lot or little.
The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, analysed bitter taste perception genes using data from more than 400,000 participants. QIMR Berghofer collaborated with Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in the United States on the study.
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