banks defer loan repayments

ATO releases tax time toolkit to help small businesses

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released a tax time toolkit designed to help small businesses and their tax advisers. The toolkit packages up a series of easy-to-understand fact sheets on topics that small businesses need to know this tax time, especially given the tax implications of COVID-19.
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BioPak teams up with Perth cafés to launch coffee cup composting service

Perth cafés can avoid sending their takeaway coffee cups to landfill with the launch of BioPak’s national composting service. Under the service, customers will be able to dispose of used BioPak coffee cups and compostable takeaway food packaging in specially designed collection bins placed at local cafés or workplaces in Western Australia. The special compost bins will be collected weekly and sent them to commercial facilities to be composted. In eight weeks, the biodegradable products will be turned into nutritious soil compost for gardens or farms.
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Australian roasters urged to support Fairtrade Fortnight

Australian coffee roasters are encouraged to support Fairtrade Fortnight, an annual campaign to increase awareness of Fairtrade products. From 4 to 17 August, roasters such as Grinders, Bean Ground & Drunk and Mocopan Coffee, are joining together to amplify the Fairtrade message and encourage consumers to “protest with their purchases”. By spreading the message in their cafés, participating roasters are helping to improve the livelihoods of thriving communities through trade.
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