Whipped, Bake Bar Café

Situated in the Western suburbs of Adelaide, lies the up-and-coming coastal suburb of Semaphore – home to an array of bric-a-brac stores, restaurants, bars and cafés. Located near the ocean- end of the Semaphore Pedestrian strip is Whipped, Bake Bar Cafe.

Opened in 2007, owners Kim and Katie Palmer have made a point of continually evolving the coffee aspect of the business. since opening from renovations, Kim says Whipped has changed dramatically and will continue to evolve as they learn more about coffee and introduce new and exciting methods to customers.

A 2-kilogram solar roaster on the café counter roasts all of the coffee, surrounded by hessian sacks of green beans. A range of equipment and coffee is available, including single origins and blends using green beans from Bolivia, Kenya, Costa Rica, Indonesia and Ethiopia to name a few.

The coffee is ground by a Ditting commercial grinder, ideal for cold filter coffee and their dual temperature set Über Boiler for syphon and pour over coffees.

Behind the counter, a New Zealand barista will most likely be plying his trade behind the cafe’s sleek three- group Synesso Espresso machine. The Synesso is the cumulative result of a raft of espresso machines Kim and Katie have used at Whipped since its opening. They started with a two-group san Marino before volume and operation needs directed them to three-group machines, including the La Marzocco FB80, Expobar Ruggero and Wega – all painted Monaro Yellow.
Past the array of coffee gismos, breakfast and lunch items are also available including a range of sweets.

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